I can safely say I have written, directed and produced content for nearly every category in nearly every medium. In terms of agencies, I have burned the midnight (and sometimes morning) oil at a variety of shops, large and small, in New York and Dallas. Everywhere from Della Femina, BBDO and Ogilvy & Mather, to t:m (formerly Temerlin McClain), Integer, and TribalDDB.
I’ve had the privilege to work with some esteemed blue-chip clients: American Express, Chase, First Boston, Southwest Airlines, Ocean Spray, Seagram’s, Bank of America, Frito Lay, Del Monte, Gatorade, Maxwell House Coffee, JC Penney, American Airlines and Black & Decker.
In terms of ROI, when I was at Mannatech I named a skin care product, Uth, which brought in over two million in pre-launch sales. At CheapCaribbean, where I was a Senior Writer/Blogger, a number of my blogs ranked on Page #1 in Google searches. Another win.
In the awards realm, I’ve won some: Clios, Communication Arts, Addys, Tellys, New York Festivals, International Advertising Festivals of New York, Communicator Awards, and an Emmy. My work has also been featured in Lurzer’s Archive, as well as Adweek and Ad Age.
When I’m not working, I’m still creating. A film I co-directed/produced, “His Name is Bob,” found distribution on The Documentary Channel. Now it’s on Amazon Prime, Tubi, AppleTV, IMDB, Google Play, YouTube, and other streaming channels.
My short story collection, So as Not to Die Alone, is out from Finishing Line Press and can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other online venues. One of my stories was a Finalist in the London Independent Story Prize Competition. One also placed in the Top 10 of the 2020 Columbia Journal’s Spring Contest, while another was awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2017 Glimmer Train Fiction Open. You can read my work in X-R-A-Y, Fictive Dream, Cleaver, Five on the Fifth, Louisiana Literature, and Litro, among others.
All of my endeavors, inside and outside of office walls, enhance my writing chops and bolster my deep love of language, something I infuse into everything I pen.